There are 25 teachers at Otsego Junior High School, that average 15.7 years of experience. 83% have their Masters Degree and 94% have earned the designation of Highly Qualified Teacher status. One teacher is a National Board Certified Teacher. The gender breakdown is 40% male/60% female, all caucasian.
There is one principal, one guidance counselor, one school secretary, and one librarian. In addition, there are four aides who assist special needs students during the day.
The students take core classes of English/Language Arts (ELA), Social Studies, Science, and Math. We offer Honors classes in ELA, Math, and Social Studies. In addition, students may choose from electives in Choir, Band, Computers, Art, PE, Life Skills, and Spanish. Each student ends the day with an Academic Assist to finish work not done and get help from teachers when assistance is needed.
All students at Otsego Junior High School receive a Chromebook to use throughout the school year. Much of their work will be done on this Chromebook through electronic assignments, Google classroom and other web-based sites.